A 1-year-long research project on the history and development of artificially intelligent technologies, their impact on current social realms of society, and the role of design in shaping the myth of AI. The public perception of AI as a suspicious, overpowered technological force has its roots in ancient mythological narratives that manifest themselves today over countless instances in media such as stereotypical representations, overly simplified languages, and pop-cultural tropes and archetypes. The book aims to uncover how tightly the knots of fiction and reality are interwoven in order to show what AI really constitutes today. I graduated with this research project in 2022 in the Social Design Master's department @Design Academy Eindhoven.

During the work on this publication, AI tools were used repeatedly to create both text and image content. In this way, this book is a real example of the possibilities and limitations of the cocreation process with AI.